Real History of Christmas

True History of Christmas

History of Christmas
History of Christmas

Christmas is a sacred religious holiday and cultural and commercial trend around the world. For two decades, people around the world have been seen with traditions and practices that are both in religious and secular nature. Christians are celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ on the day of Christmas, a spiritual leader whose teachings become the foundation of their religion. Popular Customs share food with gifts, decorations of Christmas trees, churches, family and friends, and is certainly looking forward to reaching Santa Claus. From December 25 - Christmas Day - The Federal Holiday has been held in the United States since 1870.

Christmas Holiday :

Between the winter there is a moment of celebration for a long time. Prior to centuries before the arrival of the person named Jesus, Europeans celebrated light and birth during the winter of the winter. During the winter break, many people were happy when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could see long-day and light hours for sunlight.

In Scandinavia, Coconut celebrated Winter Solutions, Yale from December 21, on January 21. In return of sunshine, parents and sons will bring a big home, which they will burn. People will log in soon, people can take up to 12 days. Nurses believe that every brightness from the fire represents a new pig or a calf which will be born during the coming year.

By the end of December, there was a great time for the celebration in most of Europe's regions. At present, most of the cattle were killed so they will not be fed up in the winter. For many people, it was the same time of the year when they used to supply fresh meat. In addition, during the year the most wine and beer was prepared to be prepared and to drink and drink.

In Germany, during the middle of winter vacation, the people gave honor to Lord Odin. The Germans were afraid of Oden because they think they made extraordinary flights through the sky to monitor their people, and then decide who will be happy or destroyed. Due to its presence, many people chose to stay in.

Jesus Birth
Jesus Birth


In Rome, where the North West was not as tough as the walls, Surrealella - a vacation in the honor of Steven, was celebrated by God of agriculture. After the winter solution at the beginning of the week and continued for its entire month, Sterling was the same time, when food and drinking were estimated and the general Roman social order was forwarded. Ghulam will become a slave for a month. The farmers were in the city's order. Business and schools were closed so everyone could join the joke.

On the occasion of the honor of the Roman children, the Romans saw Johannes, during the winter break. In addition, the height of the members often celebrated the birthday of God Maitra of the incredible sun on December 25. It was believed that Maitra, a child God was born from a rock. For some Romans, Maitra's birthday was the holiest day of the year.

In the early years of Christianity, Easter was a major holiday; Jesus did not predict. In the fourteenth-century church officials decided to be the birth of Jesus. Unfortunately, the Bible has not mentioned the date for its birth (later indicated that the Puritans later rejected the legitimacy of the celebration). Although some evidence suggests that it can be spring in spring (why will the cowboy be left in the middle of winter?), Pope Julius chose his December 25. Generally, it is believed that the Church adopted this date and its funeral in its history absorbed the tradition of the festival. At the beginning of the Olympics, 432 and England were customized in Egypt according to the end of the fourth century. By the end of the eighth century, the Christmas celebration spread the entire Scandinavia. Today, in Greek and Russian Orthodox churches, Christmas is considered 13 days after the 25th day, which is also called EpPanyon or three Kings day. This is the day that it is believed that three intellectuals finally found Jesus in the sermon.

At the same time as traditional winter engraving festivals throughout Christmas, church leaders increased the chances that Christmas would be popular, but began to say how it was celebrated. By the Middle East, Christianity replaced fun religion, for the most part. On Christmas, the believers attended the church, and today celebrated a very intriguing, carnival-like atmosphere like Mercury today. Every year, a beggar or student will be crowned "boss of the mischief" and interesting celebrants played a part of their articles. The poor will go home and demand their best food and drink. If the owners fail to execute, their visitors will fear them by worst corruption. Christmas became the time when society could pay their real or imaginative "debt" by entertaining low classless lucky citizens.

The charm of  Christmas:

At the beginning of the 17th century, a wave of religious reforms celebrated Christmas in Europe. When Oliver Couomelille and his pressing forces won England in 1645 against England, they dismissed England unhappy and Christmas was canceled for their efforts. According to the popular demand, the Charles II throne was restored, and with this, the popular holiday returned.
Hujj, English separatist, who arrived in the United States in 1620, was more argued in ancient times than chromello. Consequently, there was no Christmas holiday in the United States. From 1659 to 1681, the Christmas celebration was actually illegal in Boston. The one who was showing the Christmas spirit was punishing five shields. On the contrary, in the Jamestown settlement, Captain John Smith told that Christmas was all enjoyed and passed through an incident.
After the American Revolution, in the Christmas era, English customs got out of favor. In fact, Christmas was not announced a June 26, 1870 holiday.
Arcade Christmas Honor
It was not until the 19th century that the Americans started singing Christmas. The Americans had to face Christmas again, and it turned on a family funeral with Carnival holiday on the day of peace and friendship. But what about US $ 1800 during the holiday?
The early 19th-century class was the cause of conflicts and crisis. During this time, unemployment was very high and the worst seasons caused gang riots to occur during the Christmas season. In 1828 the New York City Council formed the city's first police force in response to Christmas riots. It encourages some of the top upper members to start changing the Christmas celebration in America.
In 1819, author of the best-selling writer, author Arquet wrote the letter written by Jeffrey Cannon, a series of stories about Christmas celebrations in an English Mansoor house. Sketches feature this scanner that invited the farmers to their home on holiday. Unlike the problems in American society, two groups surrounded hard. In Arong's mind, Christmas should be a peaceful, warm-hearted holiday, in which groups will have to meet together with respect to social status or social status. Arong's fake discrimination enjoyed the "ancient tradition", which included the crowd of Lord's trouble. However, the book of Irving was not based on any holiday celebration that he attended, many historians say that the "inventory" of Evigo has proved that he describes the true tradition of the season.

Christmas song:

Around that time, English writer Charles Dixon created a classic holiday story, a Christmas Carol. The story of the story- The importance of charity and good wishes for all humanity - killed a powerful necklace in the United States and England and the members of Victoria Society showed the benefit of celebrating holidays.
The family also had to be less disciplined and more sensitive to the emotional needs of the children during the early 1800s. Christmas provided one day to the families when they were not able to pay attention to their children.
As Americans started implementing Christmas as a complete family holiday, old customs were found. People recently watched the immigrants and Catholic and Cassopolis churches to see how to celebrate the day. In the next 100 years, Americans created their own tradition of Christmas, including pieces of many other traditional traditions, including decoration trees, holiday cards, and gifts.
Although more and more families had purchased instantly on how they were doing for the centuries that they celebrated Christmas, Americans really re-analyzed the holidays to meet the cultural needs of a festive country. Was it

Christmas Facts:

• Every year, 30-35 million real Christmas trees are sold only in the United States. The United States has 21,000 Christmas Tree Farmers, and trees grow generally for about 15 years before the tree is sold.

• Today, in Greek and Russian Orthodox churches, Christmas is celebrated for 13 days after the 25th day, which is also called Espana or three Kings day. This is the day that it is believed that three intellectuals finally found Jesus in the sermon.

• In the Middle East, Christmas celebrations did much like today's grassroots parties like a row and a resurgence.

• From 1659 to 1681, Christmas was celebrated in Boston, and lawbreakers were punishing five shields.

• Christmas holiday was announced on June 26, 1870, in the United States of America.

• The first instance in the United States was used as Captain John Smith 1607 Jamestown's settlement
• Poinsettia Plants Name An American Minister of Mexico Mexico, Joel R. Poinsett, who brought the red and green plant from Mexico to the United States in 1828.
Salvation has been sending streets of Salta Claus - Mount Donations to the streets since the Army of the 1890s.
Rudolf, "the most famous cautious", "was the novel product of Robert L. May in 1939. The copyright writer wrote a system in luring the greedy customers in the Maggaryry Ward department store.

• Construction workers began the tradition of Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree in 1931.

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